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Australian Economy
Goldilocks stayed for 2024, but what’s in store for investors in 2025?
Key points
- The key themes for 2024 were: better than feared growth;global divergence; more disinflation; falling interest ratesbut with Australia lagging; and more geopolitical threats butnot as bad as feared. As in 2023, returns were strong.
The income or growth conundrum
Both income and capital growth are important aspects of investing, but they can serve different purposes when part of a well thought out strategy, which is prioritised based on your needs, objectives, and circumstances.
Focusing on the right thing
It certainly can't have escaped your notice that the shares in the top companies of Australia and the world got hit mighty hard last year. The extreme volatility has dominated the news headlines, adding fuel to the post Covid uncertainty.
Five charts on investing to keep in mind in rough times like these
Key points
- Successful investing can be really difficult in times like the present with immense uncertainty around the impact of coronavirus on the outlook.
Market Insights - 2022 review & 2023 outlook
Key points
- 2022 was dominated by high inflation, rising interest rates, war in Ukraine & recession fears. This hit bonds & shares hard, driving reductions in the prices for growth accounts, offering rare buying opportunities for dollar cost averaging strategies. Income returns from diversified growth portfolios remain solid and above average.
The Australian housing slowdown
Let's talk about the Australian housing slowdown and what house prices in Australia are likely to do over the next two years.
Financial Market Update and Commentary - April 2021 - Your questions answered
Is the global economic recovery on track?
Yes. We anticipate global growth around 5.5% this year on the back of reopening sustained by vaccines, fiscal stimulus, easy money and pent-up demand as evident in double digit household saving rates. Global business conditions are strong.
Seven key charts for investors to watch regarding the global economy and investment markets this year
Key points
- Shares are at risk of a short-term correction or consolidation, but investment markets should provide solid returns this year on the back of continuing economic recovery and low interest rates.
8 key learnings from 2020
Mainstream and financial media keep presenting us daily with the ever-present worry list surrounding investment markets that relates to economic activity, profits, interest rates, politics, etc. Or by the perennial predictions of an imminent crash.
Mid-year Economic Market Update 2020
We look at a few statistics on what has happened with the economy so far and insights into what's to come.